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but when things go awry, insurance can be there to salvage your reputation.
Other Industries
Hotels and Resorts

Restaurants and Bars
Providing food and drinks often brings joy to the faces of customers. However, such happiness can quickly erode, especially with serving alcohol. Should any fight break out, bystanders may catch unexpected blows and errant spills causing slips and falls. Furthermore, equipment failures may also cause business stoppage, losing income in the process.
A dining experience should also represent a good time. However, what happens when your customer encounters food poisoning? Despite your best efforts, these things can happen and can put your reputation and livelihood on the line. Hence, it is important to be vigilant and mitigate as many risks as possible.
In Thailand and especially in Bangkok, a number of restaurants have valet service due to limited parking space. Although this is an attractive pull to bring customers in, it is also crucial to evaluate the risks that come with it. Are you liable if the valet driver scratches the customer’s car? How often does this occur? How can you protect yourself if it happens? With insurance, you can protect yourself from such unexpected accidents.

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